Vernon Institute
Saughall Village Hall

Clubs & Activities
  1. Histiory Society
    Histiory Society
    We have 30 members approx. and over 20 turn up to most talks. We have people from the village working on local projects - this year it was J.A. Storrar and next year Jimmy Bennion, a World Class cyclist who was born in Saughall. Everything is going very well considering we have been going just under three years. Several new ideas are coming up for presenting history from the village.
  2. Talk Society
    Talk Society
    We have had five talks so far - astronomy, photography, travel, wine-tasting, whisky-tasting. The most popular was the Whisky Tasting in January which attracted 19 people. We are aiming for one talk a quarter and spend quite a bit of time gauging the interest prior to organisation. Our next talk will be about steps that can be taken to diminish the risk of getting dementia - planned for October / November.